It has been an exciting month here on the tundra. The state of the stock market and other financial issues have force me back into much more of my real job and therefore less in the shabby world. Surprisingly the November sale at Gypsy Lea's was excellent. Good news - I sold almost everything that I had there. Bad news - I didn't have very much stuff there.
I now have an even greater appreciation for the set up that Kris and Gypsy do each month. Kris was very ill for the November set up time. I decided that I was going to help Gypsy do it. I spent parts of 5 days there moving smalls, moving them again and then moving them some more. That was a prelude to dancing with the furniture. And this month everyone brought in tables. I tried to arrange tables on tables and tables next to tables and table set sideways on top of one table and under the next. I shuffled and shuffled and it still didn't meet the high standards of the earlier sales. I was worn out and depressed by my failure. Then miraculously Kris appeared on the day before the sale started. She and Gypsy tore down, reshuffled and foo foo'd the place to perfection. The hog pens became a florist shop and the sale was saved.
I was there 5 days in a row and didn't take a single picture of the shop. It doesn't make any sense, I had the camera in the truck and never brought it into the shop. I also had a couple of boxes of smalls that never made it in the door. I spent more time than ever on this sale and had no merchandise there to sell. Oh well, maybe I'll get something done for the December sale.
Mr. Flannery