Friday, October 2, 2009

It Smells Good in Here

It is cold and rainy here on the tundra. I am now experiencing one of the downsides to having in-floor hot water heat. The concrete and granite mass that makes up the floors and heating system in my house makes it is impossible to just flip a switch and have heat. It generally takes 24-48 hours to heat the entire mass. Once it is started it is on until April or even May. No fiddling with the thermostat because its a bit chilly. Therefore, I am reluctant to turn on the heat until I am sure that it is going to run for the next 4-5 months.

Today it was down to 59* in the house, so I decided to build a fire in the fireplace and stoke up the mini electric heater under my desk. After a bunch more effort than usual, I got the oak from the stoop burning well in the fireplace. Willy, one of my guest cats, is a fireplace cat. He has been sleeping inside the fireplace fender on the granite apron, with his belly facing the fire.

The next photo was taken with the flash. The large green bug to the left is an English porcelain enamel coal scuttle.

I tried to take a photo without the flash. Babe trailed across and my hands are too shaky for the slow shutter speed.

I made chicken fettuchini alfredo for dinner. The fire and the Italian food makes the house smell very nice when I come in from outside.

Mr. Flannery

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