Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's a Mega-Giga-Terabyte CRASH!!!!!

You may remember that last month, or so, I bought a brand new multi-taskable computer with HD monitor and megas of this, gigas of that and even a tera or two of some other things. Well last night the megas mashed, the gigas gagged and the teras tore. I spent an hour and a half on the phone with Rasheed in Southern India. He even took control of my computer trying to troubleshoot my problem. BUT it is DOA. A Dell technician is headed to Flannery Bay to replace the hard drive (a tera thing), the video card (a mega thing) and maybe even the motherboard (a giga thing).

I have been running my old computer in parallel with the new, just to make sure everything is ok. I have been reluctant to make the full transfer over because of the changes in email servers and printer and Internet modem connections. Everything has been working well, virtually all of my Internet and photo work had been transitioned and I was starting to do more real work on the new computer. Well today I am back on the old, slow beast. And happy to have it.

The new computer, like the old, is a Dell. The service people and their willingness to stand behind the computer are great. But damn this is a pain. And now I get to wait for the service tech to call.

Mr. Flannery


red.neck chic said...

Oh no!!! I'm just glad you still had the old one up and running - I can't terra-fy you with my giga-ling if you don't have a mega... something.

I love Dell.

:-D I hope he calls you soon!

AngelMc said...

oh no!!! the only thing is if rasheed could have teleported to your home with a replacement...maybe one dell can do that.

Mindy said...

Whew! I am telling you, there is nothing to reimburse you for your time and inconvenience. What a pain! Glad to hear that Dell is pulling through, though. ~Mindy

terry5732 said...

A friend has a Dell laptop with probs. They told him there is no local service and he has to send it to them and be without for four to six weeks.

Was the weather impressive on Flannery Bay?