Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Meltinnnnnnnnn'

I live on the tundra, right near the face of the continental glaciers. This week has been unbelievably hot by Minnesota standards. We are running about 90* and 110% humidity and much like the Wicked Witch of the West under the bucket of water, I am melting. My camera is on loan to a friend who promised it back last week. So no pictures for the blog. My real job is exerting real pressure on my time. And the heat is oppressive as possible. Oh and BTW I don't have AC. My house has in floor hot water heat. Therefore no ducts and no central air.

We are getting ready for the monthly sale at Gypsy Lea's, but that too has been hindered by the heat. I have some pieces ready, but nothing like I anticipated at the end of the July sale. It looks great, but seems to be relatively short of hogs. Other, more industrious (and heat tolerant) dealers have more than filled my void, so the shoppers won't notice the lack of porcine inclusions. But I will when the check shows up a week from now.

Mr. Flannery


red.neck chic said...

You need a vacation - that's what I'm thinking...

somewhere cool - like maybe in a freezer? Ice Cream Parlor? Uhmmm... we have air conditioning in Texas - c'mon!

;-) Maybe this is where I can say, "go jump in the lake" and mean it - but not in a mean way...

:D robelyn

AngelMc said...

ohhhh, can you at least install a window unit in your bedroom or something? if you lived in MS you would be dead by now. the external temperature on my car read 113. i have had this car since 01 and i have never ever had it read that high. usually i see 100 or maybe 103 in the summer.....but that is in the hills. i live right on the cusp of the delta...and it is as hot as blue blazes down there...

terry5732 said...

Your dad didn't have AC and didn't whine about not having it

red.neck chic said...

Oh.... Terry just ain't right...

I've got a big fan I'll send you!!!
