Friday, May 24, 2013

Junking at the Depot

Yesterday was a big day.  I loaded trailer no. 1 and hauled to Brainerd, MN for my first indoor, juried real antique and etc. show.  I assembled my normal load of fully heavy and unwieldy hogs and drove north to see the site.  The trailer was loaded in my normal unconventional style and ended up handling as if I was pulling a full sail behind the truck.  It was a struggle to go more than 62 miles per hour so I was placed in the very unfamiliar position of being passed by almost everyone as I drove on the 371 expressway.

  The show is Saturday and Sunday at the old Northern Pacific RR shops just east of downtown Brainerd.  It is called the Olde Depot Junktion, but I have taken to calling it the Junk Depot.  The building that we are in was the old blacksmith shops.  It is big enough to pull in a couple, three locomotives with 40 foot high ceilings at the peak.  The roof boards, that have not yet been replaced by crisp, clean new yellowy boards, are a wonderful black sooted color and the walls are an old brick with huge rounded top windows.  Our space, I am sharing with my picking partners Chris and Morgan, is huge and just inside the main entrance.  That location made unloading easy, ten feet from the back of my trailer to the start of our space.  The building just gobbled up even my largest piece, there will not be an overbearing looking piece of furniture at this show.

 Here I am arriving at the show site. And no, I didn't haul a smokestack as part of my load.

 Elevator door, 2 person kayak, harp case, cast iron fire hydrant and a ton (maybe 2 tons) of other junk.  All loaded by Mr. Flannery without any help from Babe or others.

 Even the back of the pick up was full.  Including 5-6 medical floor lamps and a real antique cherry tilt top occassional table.

And of course, Buck was my co-pilot.

I am finishing loading trailer no. 2 this morning, my enclosed trailer that I will leave on the site to restock.  I hope to get to Brainerd by early afternoon.  I then get to unload and set up for tomorrow's show.

Mr. Flannery

1 comment:

Deb said...

Interesting load and even more interesting I would love to shop in your booths sometime.....have fun and sell it all! ~Deb