Its been tough getting out of the house during this infernal swath of horrific weather. We haven't had too much snow recently. Most of it went south and east of us to ravage the lower Midwest and East. It went south because it has been too damn cold to snow here. Day after day of -20* at night and low single digits for daytime highs. We have cancelled two picking excursions because of the cold. I am suffering from cabin fever. I need to get out and search for some junk.
Today I went to one of the few inside auctions that occur this time of the year. This one was different. Instead of the usual course of household goods and sleep inducing collectibles, the items at this auction looked and smelled like they had just been pulled from the barn or shed. There were piles of pulleys, buckets of gears, boxes of tins and other good desirable junk. Unfortunately normal summer junk prices were left in the in the dust. I was outbid often. Lots of people willing to spend more money than I would. After the guns were sold the crowd started to thin out a little. I bought the one item, a seed separator, that I specifically targeted from the ad. I bought some other usable stuff, like copper coated electric heaters and milk strainers.
I got my junking fix. I got a few good items. I got out of the house. And it is only going down to -22* on Sunday night.
The cart with my purchases.
Close-up of the graphics on the seed separator.
Mr. Flannery