Wednesday, September 22, 2010

eBay in Recovery - Not So Much!

The economic eggheads at Harvard and other elite North Eastern institutions are saying that the recession ended in July 2009 and we have been in recovery since that time. Would someone please convey that information to the buyers on eBay.

I noted earlier that I was going to make another attempt at eBay sales right after Labor Day. I listed 10 items, three sold. And one item even had more than a single bid. eBay still sucks and my sales reflect that situation. I did sell a genealogy book for $25. It was in a lot of 5 boxes of books that I bought at an auction for $2.50. I sold another set of genealogy books out of the lot for $150 earlier, so I am at $175 gross on that purchase. That's a very nice return on my investment, especially when I bought the lot for a different book, but should be repeated with other good items on eBay. Not so much I guess.

I'll probably try a few more items on eBay near the end of the month. Maybe some city or county histories, which seem to fill in the genealogy theme. Otherwise eBay will mostly remain a memory of past good times for me.

Mr. Flannery

1 comment:

Janice said...

I plan to be done with listing on ebay by the end of the year. Just not worth my time for the little return I get, no matter how good the item is.