Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here's What I Did This Morning

I spent most of this beautiful morning working on getting things ready for the October sale at Gypsy Lea's. I cleaned, I sanded, damn, I even shellacked. The heavy wood steel wheel cart was my first project. I will reassemble the pieces later after the amber shellac dries.

Then I jumped on the green parts bin. I went through a quart and one-half of shellac and didn't even finish the case. I need to make a trip to town to pick up some more shellac.

These are a few of the pieces that I bought at auction last Thursday. The red corner cupboard is interesting, but I really like the PERU metal trunk.

I think that this Model T wheel, painted red, green and yellow, can be modified into a Christmas Tree holder for an artificial tree.

Mr. Flannery


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Mr. Flannery, please send me some of your energy. Oh you can send that little corner cabinet with it too.

Jaybird said...

Ohhh I love the red cabinet!!! The rest of the stuff is pretty cool too, but that cabinet is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Did you know shellac is bug juice?

Mr. Flannery said...

Yep. Shellac is from the shells of an insect.

red.neck chic said...

I did not know about the bug juice...

The Peru box is TOTALLY cool - but I am DROOLING over the bins again! I saw a big orange one every morning and every evening in the cow pastures and it ABSOLUTELY needed to arrive in my house - but the guy knew I wanted it so didn't come off the price. :-(

The hunt is on...
perhaps in your dooryard.

:-D robelyn