Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Heavier the Better

I thought that I'd give the old blog another spin around the net.  Mr. Flannery, your correspondent, has sorta migrated to Facebook, but I think I like the old blog format better.

I have retired selling at any of the shops.  After more than 30 years, I decided that I didn't need that concentrated work anymore.  I have retreated to selling at a show or two and at the Wright County Swappers Meet (aka the Annandale Flea).  The flea is seasonal, only on Saturdays (except for the 3 summer holiday weekends), well trafficked and only 3-4 miles from my house.  I figure that once I make the minimal rent I am already up a couple hundred bucks because I didn't go to an auction on that Saturday.

I participated in a local online auction this week.  They were selling some of the fixtures from the old butcher shop.  I spent a little money and ended up buying some very heavy items.

With winter in full rage here on the tundra, I am suffering from serious cabin fever.  I cannot wait for the April opening of the Flea Market.  I have been making lists, drawing maps and contemplating sales.  I miss the social interaction,  I miss the cool junk that I can discuss with the customers.  I'm ready for Spring.

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