Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rolling for Some Ideas

I am in need of some inspiration about using these tambor doors that I bought at an auction last night. These are not the common rolltop desk covers, they were used by AT&T to cover 8'x10' access panels for central station switching equipment. I bought 14 tambor doors and all the casing. Now all I need is ideas for using them.

I saw a couple of these at an auction about 10 years ago. I didn't buy them but thought that they would make an interesting cover for an access from a hallway to the back of electronic equipment in an entertainment center. Now I have 14 of them to shabotage!

I also bought two 9' wood library ladders. They were a really good deal.

Mr. Flannery

1 comment:

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

No idea about the doors BUT I WANT the ladders.