Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pickin' Fleas

So last Wednesday we went picking in central Minnesota. We got into a small town hardware store that has been closed for 20 years. The Grandson-in-law is now trying to clean it out before the City condemns the building. We got piles and piles of stuff. We filled two pickups and my 12 foot trailer. The 9 foot long counter with 23 steel nail bins on the shelves below will make a stunning center island. The 180 hole cubby in crusty blue paint will fill any family room.

I had to work Thursday and Friday at my real job that supports this habit, so the trailer sat there filled to the tailgate. This morning it turned out that we were in for a very sunny day. I live about 3 miles away from one of the larger flea markets in Minnesota. I decided to haul over there to see if I could sell any of our pickin's. So it was 30 minutes from the decision to the set up. I didn't unload much. I opened the tailgates on the trailer and the pickup and haphazardly displayed my bounty.

I sold a bunch of smalls. I sold picture frames, cast iron hooks and even some rebar. The big counter and other special pieces got big looks but no sales. I made a couple hundred bucks and worked on my tan. All in all it was a good day at the flea.

Mr. Flannery


red.neck chic said...

LOL!!! a couple hundred and a spring tan... can't beat that!


nothing over 20 lbs sold in Texas last week or the week before...
i think i would like to pick off of your trailer!


Mr. Flannery said...

Robelyn - I am certain that I do not buy anything that weighs less than 20 lbs. If something I want is light, it is bundled with enough other stuff to reach 20 lbs.