Monday, May 7, 2012

Dancin' with Furniture on a Sunday Afternoon

If you made it to the May sale you probably saw one of the largest pieces ever offered at Second Hand Rose Buffalo. There was a beautiful, but huge, old hardware store counter and nail bin outside the shop under the tent. One of the reasons it was outside was that we were not sure it would fit in the inside space. Just before closing on Sunday, a couple came in to discuss the counter further. They are SHR regulars from the Cokato area. The giant is now going to have a second life as a center island in their home. They were happy, we were happy, but then the reality of loading the beast hit all of us.

They went home to hook up their covered trailer. They got back to SHR just about the time Brad and Amy, SHR owners, came to the shop to help with closing. The buyer backed his trailer to a place near the counter and dropped the ramp for loading. We moved the beast about two feet to get a better angle of attack. The counter was tipped back and a small cart was placed under a cross member. The nail bins were still in place adding about 350 lbs. to the piece. Brad put a two wheel cart under the leading edge and we were off. Brad pulled on the cart, the buyer and I pushed on the counter. Slam, bam, thank-you ma'am, the counter was in the trailer in less than five minutes from tip up to closing the ramp. It was really slick. As a regular participant in dancing with furniture cotillions, I can say that it was, pound for pound, one of the easiest dances I've ever polka'd.

The customers were happy, we were happy and the beast was loaded with grace and ease. Sometimes we actually like to dance with furniture.

Mr. Flannery


red.neck chic said...


I think I have counter envy. And... as someone who has wrestled with a table all day... polka envy.


Linda Kangas said...

Wonder if they had as easy a time when they arrived home???

Jill said...

I was wondering about the arrival at home too and how they sashayed that beast into their home?!