Monday, March 23, 2009

Love these Postcards

I love these postcards. The first shows the kids in the new tin Lizzie while old Dobbin is in the pasture in the background. The second one is embossed bathing beauties.

We had a heavy, warm rain last night. The ice on the bay in front of my house has turned from hard white to a mushy gray-black. I saw 12 swans today while driving to the post office. They will be on the lake as soon as the ice opens even a little. The geese, ducks and loons have appeared and I have seen two bald eagles on the ice picking at the fishermen's leavings. (Maybe one eagle at two different times).

Mr. Flannery

1 comment:

engineer jobs said...

I really like looking at old postcard because I am always wondering how it lasted until this generation. Thank you for the post!!!