Monday, January 18, 2010

Gracie & Willy Aren't Vikings Fans

The home team pulled a surprise and instead of its usual choke in the face of the much hated Dallas Cowboys, it won without any nail biting by the fans. I watched the game, but it is clear that Gracie and Willy are not football fans.

Maybe they would be more interested if the Lions or Jaguars or Bengals or Panthers were playing.

Mr. Flannery
(Damn, there are a lot of Cat teams in the NFL).


red.neck chic said...

Here kitty kitty...

I'm with Gracie and Willy... football equals nap time in my land of nod. LOLOL Who are the Cowboys?

;-) robelyn

Mindy said...

Robelyn wanted to come for a visit yesterday. I told her not to knock on the door until the game was over. I should have just climbed on a dvr player and taken a nap til she got there. It sure seemed like the Cowboys did! grrrr

red.neck chic said...

This is true... I called her on my way to see what the score was and I thought she was going to hang up on me... LOLOLOL

Poor Mindy - she even had the whole "cowboy" them wardrobe happenin'!!!

The margarita's were good though! LOLOL You should have been there Mr. Flannery!

AngelMc said...

I'm with Gracie and Willy...I don't care squat about football...unless it's the Super Bowl and we have a game board going......

Mr. Flannery said...

All things considered, I'd rather auction than watch football. But I do like to have a game on one TV while I watch other things on the TVs and monitors.