Monday, January 25, 2010

Some of My Heroes

I used "some" instead of "two" because these are representative of entire generations of women. The first is a magazine dated 1918, women of the Great War generation. The second is the famous Rosie the Riveter representing the World War II generation. My grandmother made wings for B-25's at a plant in St. Paul.

Mr. Flannery

P.S. After reading RNC's comment concerning gramma giving wings to so many I was reminded of the James Magee poem "High Flight". Magee was an American volunteer flying with the Royal Canadian Air Force defending England in WWII before the US entered the war. He composed his poem after testing a new Spitfire Mark V to 30,000 feet. Part of the poem was quoted by President Reagan while memorializing the Challenger astronauts.

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
. . .
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.


red.neck chic said...

Okay - that is so neat about your mother. Just think of everyone she gave wings too...

;-) Robelyn

Oh - and I like both of your women! LOL

Jaybird said...

Mr. F, you made my day....that is my very FAVORITE poem!! Your Mom was a wonder! RNC Grandmother was a member of the Women Air Mechanics and worked on planes until "Grampy" stole her away and moved her to California. He worked for Pratt Whitney before he took to the skies with the Navy, in a PBY named Betty Boop!

Mr. Flannery said...

RNC & Jaybird - Grandma was the riveter, not Mom.

Jaybird said...

oops, I apologize. See we DO resemble one another :^)

red.neck chic said...

I'm sorry...

Just think of everyone your Grandma gave wings to...
:-) I do indeed love the poem - it's gorgeous and instantly made me think of my Grandmother... and not in conjunction with a port-a-potty...

:-) robelyn